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Lung Disease Treatment

If you feel your current medications are no longer enough to treat your COPD and IIP, perhaps our therapy might help you Breathe Easier.When your current medications aren't enough experience a care that steps in to assist with your chronic lung disorder when you're not getting enoughhelp from your inhalers, nebulizers, and/or oxygen.

Pulmonary Stem Cells for IPF Lung Fibrosis & ILD Scarring

Pulmonary fibrosis is the thickening and scarring of the lung tissue. The term idiopathic denotes the cause is unknown and occurred spontaneously. Though it is not completely understood what causes idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and diffuse parenchymal lung failure, the disease process is well-explained in various medical literature and case history.

Diagnosing Pulmonary Fibrosis

The diagnosis of interstitial lung diseases and pulmonary fibrosis requires diagnostic tests and physical exams. A pulmonologist uses several diagnostic tools to understand the signs & better 

Symptoms of patients with interstitial lung disease. Depending on the stage and severity of a patients condition lung specialists typically order the following tests:


Pulmonary function tests for measuring decreased diffusion capacity (DLCO) to see if any restrictions exist


Lung radiology scans using X-ray or High-Resolution Chest CT-Scans (HRCT) to check for patterns of opacities in lung tissue that are caused by the thickened and scarred lung tissues.


An arterial blood test can be taken for examining the ability of the lungs to move oxygen into the tissues of the body.


Lung biopsy: getting a sample of lung tissue and studying the sample to better identify areas of scarring or thickening or suggestive of any malignancy. 


Genetic testing for pulmonary fibrosis and Cystic Fibrosis – May prevent the need for surgical lung biopsy


The goal of any treatment for chronic lung disorders is to help with your symptom management and potentially:




Improve your ability
to breathe easier



Living with a chronic lung disorder? 
Are you satisfied with it?

Unlike traditional treatments that often mask the symptoms of lung disorders, the goal of our cellular therapy is to help manage your symptoms and potentially improve overall lung health and quality of life.


The goal of our comprehensive approach is to improve your quality of life by potentially helping manage your symptoms and improving overall lung health.

Armadyne Resurrection Center uses Stem Cell therapy which may help improve overall lung health in patients with chronic lung disorders, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), emphysema, and ILD. Many of these conditions have no cure, but certain treatments may help improve patients ability to Breathe Easier, and has allowed many people with chronic pulmonary conditions to improve their quality of life.

Lung Disorders

 Interstitial Lung Disease(ILD)

Without the ability to process the necessary amounts of oxygen, you may experience difficulty performing your favorite tasks, and, eventually, difficulty with simple tasks like walking around.

Interstitial Lung Disease  or ILD, is not curable and the scarring it causes is irreversible. However, medical treatments are available to help patients slow the progression of their disease and assist with the ability to breathe clearly again. 

Since full lung function cannot be regained from interstitial lung disease, it’s important to identify and treat its symptoms early on before further damage is caused.


What Are the Symptoms of Interstitial Lung Disease?

Interstitial Lung Disease encompasses a variety of conditions, including idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, sarcoidosis and pneumonitis, so the symptoms vary widely vary. If you experience any of the following symptoms, you should seek medical assistance:

Persistent dry cough
Shortness of breath, especially
Tightness of the chest
Coughing up blood

About Emphysema

Pulmonary emphysema is part of a family of lung diseases called COPD. Emphysema is a chronic pulmonary disease that is diagnosed after critical damage (permanently dilated or destroyed) to the alveoli. These over-inflated lung sections retain “old” air in the air sacs, so less “fresh” atmosphere can be absorbed. Overinflation of the alveoli increases during physical exertion and is then the leading cause of winded breathing. The damage to the alveoli can be done in several ways, including being:

Over-inflation of the alveoli is a result of a breakdown of the walls of the air sacs, which causes a decrease in respiratory health and frequent breathlessness. Any damage to the air sacs reduces the inner surface of the alveoli, which are critical for the gas exchange between air and blood. The reduction in cell mass results is an increasing decline of oxygen in the blood and vital organs that can lead to peripheral neuropathy, CHF, pulmonary hypertension and heart attacks. Damage to the alveoli sacs can be challenging to manage using traditional medications as the chronic inflammation crates permanent holes in the lower lung tissue. Persistent coughing and sputum are also other common manifestations concomitant inflammation (bronchitis).


Some Common Risk Factors and Causes of Pulmonary Emphysema include:

  • Smoking

  • COPD

  • Recurrent respiratory infections such as bronchitis, asthma, and pneumonia

  • Environmental Pollutants such as coal, cadmium, grains, and isocyanates

  • automobile exhaust gases or specks of dust and gases found in the workplace

  • Mineral dust & cotton dust are also COPD risk factors

  • Hereditary predispositions such as Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency ( α1-antitrypsin ) a deficiency of a protective protein (protease inhibitor, PI) The condition is genetic and causes the body to produce too little alpha-1-antitrypsin (AAT), resulting in an AAT deficiency.


Treatment for Emphysema

Using isolated and enhanced mesenchymal stem cells (MSC+) allows us to target specific regions of the lung structure to slow/stop the spread of the disease, eliminate bronchitis and reduce inflammation (in alveoli pathway.) Improvements in the pulmonary system occur through a function known as immunomodulation making it a powerful but safe and natural therapy for COPD. The goal of the Regeneration Center therapies for COPD and other pulmonary diseases such as Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF), bronchiectasis, Atelectasis, and Emphysema is to help create the optimal environment for angiogenesis to build new capillaries plus reduce inflammation in the lungs which lead to tissue repair and improved lung function

Lung Cell Transplant 

otal Clinical Sessions For COPD & Emphysema will depend on patient needs. End-stage COPD options are limited and Exogenous Pulmonary mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSC+) are ideal for mild to moderate pulmonary diseases. The therapeutic approach will include combination therapy of endogenous lung epithelial cells, lung progenitors cells, airway progenitor cells and pulmonary alveolar epithelial cells (for tracheal regeneration) delivered in multiple stages over a 2-3 week course. Long-term effects depend on the severity of existing condition and candidates with progressive respiratory diseases, end-stage COPD, bullous lung disease, Popcorn Lung (Bronchiolitis Obliterans) disease, other COPD complications, chronic respiratory system inflammation, and structural alveolar degeneration may not be good candidates depending on the severity of airflow obstruction. 


Pulmonary Rehabilitation After Therapy (Optional)


​Pulmonary Rehabilitation and breathing exercises for COPD are strongly recommended and are available at affiliated local hospitals in Japan and Itary, depending on the patient’s travel limitations and timing constraints. A dedicated lung rehabilitation specialist will be available upon request for 2-5 hours per day and up to 6 days per week. Medical visas and accommodations for an extended stay with an oxygen nebulizer for the patient can also be provided upon special request.

Post-Treatment Lung Rehabilitation: Pulmonary rehabilitation services are optional but is highly recommended after any treatment. For patients with the option to stay in Japan and Italy, we offer a complete integrative rehabilitation program in partnership with local hospitals in Japan and Italy. Pulmonary rehabilitation is also beneficial for patients who are experiencing severe difficulty in breathing or severe hardening of the lungs. Smoking is also much discouraged for patients with this condition, and active smokers will not qualify for our treatment. The rehabilitation packages in Japan and Italy are available to all candidates as needed (2-5 hours per day, six days per week). Medical treatment visas and hotel accommodations for long term stays can also be provided upon request.

Total Treatment Length: 

The Lung Regeneration Center protocol will require multi-stage over a period of 14-21 nights in Japan and Italy (depending on the severity/spread of the underlying disease.


Treatment Benefits & Guidelines

Due to the varying degrees of lung damage, our medical team will need to review a patient’s preclinical and clinical records to understand his/her needs better.

Total of Pulmonary Stem Cell infusions will depend on the severity of restrictive lung disease, and multiple stages may be necessary for patients with scarring on the lung tissue or diffuse parenchymal complications. For optimal results, the Regeneration Center uses a propriatary protocol for cell delivery. Due to the progressively nature of lung diseases some patients may require allogeneic MSC+ cells. Patients with honeycombing, severe respiratory damage or multiple commorbities may require multiple infusions.


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